Perform HTTP Requests and Process the Responses

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Documentation for package ‘httr2’ version 1.0.5

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-- C --

close.httr2_response Read a streaming body a chunk at a time
curl_help Translate curl syntax to httr2
curl_translate Translate curl syntax to httr2

-- I --

iterate_with_cursor Iteration helpers
iterate_with_link_url Iteration helpers
iterate_with_offset Iteration helpers

-- L --

last_request Retrieve most recent request/response
last_response Retrieve most recent request/response
local_mock Temporarily mock requests
local_mocked_responses Temporarily mock requests

-- O --

oauth_cache_path httr2 OAuth cache location
oauth_client Create an OAuth client
oauth_client_req_auth OAuth client authentication
oauth_client_req_auth_body OAuth client authentication
oauth_client_req_auth_header OAuth client authentication
oauth_client_req_auth_jwt_sig OAuth client authentication
oauth_flow_auth_code OAuth with authorization code
oauth_flow_bearer_jwt OAuth with a bearer JWT (JSON web token)
oauth_flow_client_credentials OAuth with client credentials
oauth_flow_device OAuth with device flow
oauth_flow_password OAuth with username and password
oauth_flow_refresh OAuth with a refresh token
oauth_redirect_uri Default redirect url for OAuth
oauth_token Create an OAuth token
obfuscate Obfuscate mildly secret information
obfuscated Obfuscate mildly secret information

-- R --

request Create a new HTTP request
req_auth_basic Authenticate request with HTTP basic authentication
req_auth_bearer_token Authenticate request with bearer token
req_body_file Send data in request body
req_body_form Send data in request body
req_body_json Send data in request body
req_body_json_modify Send data in request body
req_body_multipart Send data in request body
req_body_raw Send data in request body
req_cache Automatically cache requests
req_cookies_set Set and preserve cookies
req_cookie_preserve Set and preserve cookies
req_dry_run Perform a dry run
req_error Control handling of HTTP errors
req_headers Modify request headers
req_method Set HTTP method in request
req_oauth_auth_code OAuth with authorization code
req_oauth_bearer_jwt OAuth with a bearer JWT (JSON web token)
req_oauth_client_credentials OAuth with client credentials
req_oauth_device OAuth with device flow
req_oauth_password OAuth with username and password
req_oauth_refresh OAuth with a refresh token
req_options Set arbitrary curl options in request
req_perform Perform a request to get a response
req_perform_connection Perform a request and return a streaming connection
req_perform_iterative Perform requests iteratively, generating new requests from previous responses
req_perform_parallel Perform a list of requests in parallel
req_perform_promise Perform request asynchronously using the promises package
req_perform_sequential Perform multiple requests in sequence
req_perform_stream Perform a request and handle data as it streams back
req_progress Add a progress bar to long downloads or uploads
req_proxy Use a proxy for a request
req_retry Control when a request will retry, and how long it will wait between tries
req_stream Perform a request and handle data as it streams back
req_template Set request method/path from a template
req_throttle Rate limit a request by automatically adding a delay
req_timeout Set time limit for a request
req_url Modify request URL
req_url_path Modify request URL
req_url_path_append Modify request URL
req_url_query Modify request URL
req_user_agent Set user-agent for a request
req_verbose Show extra output when request is performed
resps_data Tools for working with lists of responses
resps_failures Tools for working with lists of responses
resps_requests Tools for working with lists of responses
resps_successes Tools for working with lists of responses
resp_body_html Extract body from response
resp_body_json Extract body from response
resp_body_raw Extract body from response
resp_body_string Extract body from response
resp_body_xml Extract body from response
resp_check_content_type Check the content type of a response
resp_check_status Extract HTTP status from response
resp_content_type Extract response content type and encoding
resp_date Extract request date from response
resp_encoding Extract response content type and encoding
resp_has_body Extract body from response
resp_header Extract headers from a response
resp_headers Extract headers from a response
resp_header_exists Extract headers from a response
resp_is_error Extract HTTP status from response
resp_link_url Parse link URL from a response
resp_raw Show the raw response
resp_retry_after Extract wait time from a response
resp_status Extract HTTP status from response
resp_status_desc Extract HTTP status from response
resp_stream_lines Read a streaming body a chunk at a time
resp_stream_raw Read a streaming body a chunk at a time
resp_stream_sse Read a streaming body a chunk at a time
resp_url Get URL/components from the response
resp_url_path Get URL/components from the response
resp_url_queries Get URL/components from the response
resp_url_query Get URL/components from the response

-- S --

secret_decrypt Secret management
secret_decrypt_file Secret management
secret_encrypt Secret management
secret_encrypt_file Secret management
secret_has_key Secret management
secret_make_key Secret management
secret_read_rds Secret management
secret_write_rds Secret management

-- U --

url_build Parse and build URLs
url_parse Parse and build URLs

-- W --

with_mock Temporarily mock requests
with_mocked_responses Temporarily mock requests
with_verbosity Temporarily set verbosity for all requests